Relationship Red Flags

Relationship Red Flags: Early Warning Signs to Watch Out For

Relationships can bring some of the greatest happiness in life. But they can also cause problems and often be unhealthy. When you first start dating someone, the excitement can make it easy to ignore signs that something might be wrong.

This article points out some of these early signs and provides helpful information and tips on how to deal with them in the situation of a relationship.

What Are Relationship Red Flags?

Warning signs in relationships are clues that show there might be problems or unhealthy parts in the relationship. These clues can show up early and, if you don’t pay attention to them, can cause a lot of emotional pain. No relationship is perfect, and it’s normal to have some disagreements, but if warning signs keep showing up, it means there are bigger problems that need to be fixed.

Starting a new relationship usually feels great and hopeful. You might be so happy that you don’t notice any problems. But, paying attention to early warning signs can help you avoid trouble later. This doesn’t mean you should be suspicious of everyone, just be careful and look at things fairly.

Common Early Warning Signs

Not Talking Much

Good talking is very important in a good relationship. If your partner doesn’t want to have deep talks, doesn’t care about your feelings, or stops talking during important chats, that’s a warning sign.

For more on effective communication, consider reading How to Communicate Effectively for Maintaining Healthy Relationships During Stressful Times.

Sarah wants to share her feelings with her boyfriend, Mark, but he either talks about something else or just says a few words. When she tells him she feels alone in their relationship, he says she’s just making a big deal out of nothing. This makes Sarah feel like her feelings don’t matter and she’s not important.

Controlling Behavior

A person who tries to control you might tell you what to do, make decisions for you, or limit your contact with other people. This control can be done in a hidden way or very openly, but it always takes away your freedom to make your own choices.

John enjoys hanging out with his buddies, but his girlfriend, Emily, always wants to know where he is and gets angry if he goes out without her. She often looks at his phone and asks him about his conversations with others, which makes John feel like he’s stuck and alone.

Trust Issues

Trust is very important in any relationship. If your partner keeps questioning your loyalty, accuses you of cheating without any reason, and even checks your private messages, it means they don’t trust you.

Lisa and Tom have been a couple for six months. Tom accuses Lisa of flirting with other men even though she hasn’t done anything to make him think that. He also checks her phone and social media accounts to find evidence of her cheating. This makes Lisa feel trapped and not trusted.


Respect is a key part of a good relationship. If your partner often makes you feel bad, says mean things, or doesn’t care about what you think or feel, that’s a clear sign of disrespect.

Whenever Alex shares his dream of starting his own business, his girlfriend Rachel laughs at him and says he’ll never be able to do it. She always makes mean jokes about his abilities, and it’s making Alex feel less confident.

Not Wanting to Commit

Some people might not be ready for a serious, long-lasting relationship. If your partner always avoids talking about the future or doesn’t seem interested in making the relationship stronger, they might not want the same things as you.

Mia has been going out with Jake for more than a year. Whenever she talks about living together or making future plans, Jake avoids the conversation and talks about something else. Mia feels like she’s in a relationship without any clear goals.

Too Much Jealousy

It’s okay to feel a little jealous sometimes, but when it gets too much, it can cause problems. A partner who is overly jealous might start to act like they own you, wrongly think you’re cheating, or even try to keep you away from your loved ones.

Ben likes to be around people and has friends of both genders. This makes his boyfriend, Sam, very jealous whenever Ben spends time with others. This jealousy often leads to big fights and false accusations. Ben starts to feel trapped and like he’s being controlled.

Emotional or Physical Harm

Experiencing emotional or physical harm is a strong indication that something is seriously wrong. Emotional harm can be when someone tricks you, makes you unsure about what you remember, or says hurtful things to you. Physical harm is when someone hurts you physically.

For guidance on moving past heartbreak and harmful relationships, check out Healing from Heartbreak and Moving On.

Karen has been with Mike for two years. Lately, he becomes very angry and yells at her and says cruel things when they argue. Last week, he gripped her arm so hard that it left a bruise. She feels scared but isn’t sure what to do.

Why Ignoring Red Flags Can Be Harmful

It will finally wreak emotional and mental turmoil in you if you keep ignoring them. It might even bind you in a toxic or abusive equation from which you feel like it’s impossible to leave. Prolonged exposure to unhealthy dynamics could lead to anxiety, depression, and a theoretically lower self-esteem. Attending to red flags at the beginning of a relationship might save you from this damage in the future and lead to healthy connections.

Dealing with Relationship Warning Signs

Talking Openly

A good way to handle warning signs in a relationship is by talking openly. Share your worries with your partner in a calm and clear way. Use phrases like “I feel upset when you don’t consider my feelings” instead of saying “You never listen to me.” This helps to start a helpful conversation that leads to better understanding.

Setting Boundaries

Having and maintaining good boundaries is crucial in any relationship. It involves choosing which actions are acceptable and which are not. Be sure to discuss these boundaries with your partner and follow them. Boundaries keep you safe and ensure the relationship remains respectful for both individuals.

Jessica told her partner, Chris, that she needs alone time to relax after attending social events. Whenever they were about to leave a party, Chris would urge her to spend time with him immediately afterwards. In this situation, Jessica clearly explains her boundary, emphasizing why she needs this time alone and sticking to her choice. Over time, Chris will come to understand her needs and respect her wishes.

Getting Expert Advice

If someone finds it hard to spot these warning signs by themselves, they can always get help from a professional. Marriage counseling creates a space where talking about possible problems can be the main focus, and better ways to communicate can be established. A counselor can also help you understand how your relationship works and teach you ways to improve it.

After many months of frequent fights and feeling ignored, Megan and James choose to visit a marriage therapist. They learn to talk to each other better and deal with the real issues, which greatly helps their relationship.

Taking Time to Think About Yourself

It’s important to set aside time to think about yourself. This helps you understand what you need, what’s important to you, and where you draw the line. It also makes it easier to spot warning signs. Really, taking time to think about yourself helps you make choices that are good for your happiness and well-being.

Anna, by writing in a journal and meditating, realizes that she’s been giving up a lot in her relationship with Rob and hasn’t really cared about what she wants or what her heart desires. So, she decides to have an open and truthful talk with Rob about how she feels now and sets up better limits in their relationship.


What should I do if I see a red flag in my relationship?

If you notice a red flag in your relationship, talk to your partner about it. Try to stay calm and honest when discussing the issue. If talking doesn’t work and the situation doesn’t get better or even gets worse, consider getting help from a professional or ending the relationship.

How can I know if a problem in my relationship is just a normal issue or a serious warning sign?

Typical relationship issues are often temporary and can be solved by talking openly and making compromises. However, red flags are more serious and persistent problems that don’t get better with effort.

Can warning signs show up after you’ve been in a relationship for a while?

Yes, warning signs can appear at any time, so it’s important to keep checking in on the relationship, even if you’ve been together for a long time.

Is it possible to fix a relationship with warning signs and make it healthy again?

It depends on the specific warning signs and whether both partners are willing to work on the relationship. Some issues can be resolved with effort, communication, and possibly professional help. But some problems, like abuse, might be too difficult to overcome, and the relationship might not be fixable.

What should I do if my friend is seeing warning signs in her relationship?

If your friend notices problems in her relationship, just be there for her. Don’t judge her situation. Tell her to discuss her worries with her partner or ask for help from a counselor. Make sure she knows you care about her safety and happiness.


So, it’s really important to notice warning signs in relationships because they help create and keep good, happy connections. People should watch out for these signs to avoid getting hurt and to make their relationship more positive and supportive. A strong relationship is built on talking openly and trusting each other. It’s okay to ask for help if you need it.