The Do’s and Don’ts of Texting in Early Dating Stages

Let’s face it, folks – texting has become the backbone of modern dating. But navigating the dos and don’ts of texting in the early stages of dating can feel like trying to disarm a bomb while blindfolded. One wrong move, and BOOM! – you’re left on read faster than you can say “u up?”

As someone who’s been in the trenches of the texting dating world (and has the emotional battle scars to prove it), I’m here to give you the lowdown on mastering the art of early dating text etiquette. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the wild world of emoji usage, response times, and the ever-dreaded double text!

The Do’s of Texting in Early Dating Stages

1. Do: Be Yourself (But Your Best Texting Self)

Remember that time I tried to sound like a smooth-talking character from a rom-com? Yeah, that didn’t end well. Authenticity is key in texting, just like in face-to-face interactions. Let your personality shine through your texts, quirks and all. If you’re a pun enthusiast, let those wordplays fly. If you’re more of a dry humor type, embrace it. Your unique texting style will help your date get to know the real you.

2. Do: Keep it Balanced

Think of texting like a tennis match. You don’t want to be the person pelting balls non-stop at your opponent (or in this case, your date). Aim for a balanced back-and-forth. If you’ve sent a couple of texts without a response, it’s time to take a step back and wait. Remember, everyone has a life outside of their phone (shocking, I know).

3. Do: Use Proper Grammar and Spelling

Look, I’m not saying you need to text like you’re writing a dissertation, but a little effort goes a long way. Proper grammar and spelling show that you care about making a good impression. Plus, it avoids those awkward misunderstandings. Trust me, autocorrect can be your worst enemy sometimes. I once told a date I was “dying to see them soon” but autocorrect changed it to “dying to see your spoon.” Needless to say, confusion ensued.

4. Do: Show Interest by Asking Questions

Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it’ll keep your text conversations alive! Show genuine interest in your date by asking thoughtful questions. This not only helps you get to know them better but also shows that you’re invested in the conversation. Just don’t go full interrogation mode – nobody wants to feel like they’re being grilled by the texting police.

5. Do: Use Emojis Wisely

Emojis are the spice of texting life, but like any spice, too much can ruin the dish. Use emojis to add flavor to your messages, convey tone, or emphasize points. A well-placed 😉 or 😂 can work wonders. But please, for the love of all that is holy, don’t replace entire words with emojis. “I 🍕💖🐶” is not a sentence, Karen.

The Don’ts of Texting in Early Dating Stages

1. Don’t: Overtext

I get it, you’re excited about this new person. But bombarding them with texts is the fastest way to make them run for the hills. One time, I got so caught up in texting a new date that I sent 17 messages in a row. Spoiler alert: There was no second date. Give them space to miss you and, you know, live their life.

2. Don’t: Play Games with Response Times

We’ve all heard the “wait X hours before responding” rule. Let me tell you, it’s nonsense. Don’t artificially delay your responses just to seem busy or uninterested. If you’re free and want to respond, do it. If you’re busy, respond when you can. Authenticity beats game-playing every time.

3. Don’t: Have Serious Conversations via Text

Texting is great for light-hearted banter and making plans, but it’s not the place for deep, serious conversations. Topics like defining the relationship, discussing past traumas, or debating the existence of aliens should be saved for face-to-face interactions. Trust me, tone and nuance get lost in text, leading to misunderstandings faster than you can say “we need to talk.”

4. Don’t: Send Unsolicited Pictures

This should go without saying, but never send unsolicited intimate pictures. Not only is it potentially illegal, but it’s also a surefire way to make your date uncomfortable and end things before they’ve even begun. Keep it classy, folks.

5. Don’t: Drunk Text

We’ve all been there – a few drinks in and suddenly texting that cute person seems like the best idea ever. Spoiler alert: it’s not. Drunk texting often leads to regret and embarrassment. I once drunk texted a date my entire life story, complete with a dramatic retelling of my goldfish’s funeral from when I was 7. Needless to say, I woke up to some very confused responses.

Conclusion: The Art of Texting Balance

Mastering the art of texting in the early stages of dating is all about finding the right balance. It’s about being authentic while putting your best foot (or in this case, thumb) forward. Remember, the goal of texting is to enhance your budding relationship, not replace face-to-face interactions.

So, armed with these dos and don’ts, go forth and text with confidence! And remember, when in doubt, ask yourself: “Would I say this in person?” If the answer is no, maybe it’s best to keep that thumb hovering over the send button.

Happy texting, and may the odds of not being left on read be ever in your favor!